
Configure cameras and manage parking spaces with extensive options. Monitor individual parking areas with multiple cameras to ensure efficiency. Create public visualization pages and set up real-time status updates via API interfaces.

Configure Cameras and Manage Parking Spaces

We provide users with extensive options for managing their connected cameras. Users can configure the camera's access URL here allowing customization of the type of objects to be detected - whether cars or boats. Furthermore this section enables the definition and management of individual parking spaces monitored by the camera.

Multi-Camera Parking Area Management

This section is dedicated to managing individual parking areas. Each parking area can be monitored by multiple cameras simultaneously, providing users with the ability to ensure that all cameras are functioning properly and efficiently.

Real-Time Parking Visualization and Updates

Users have the capability to configure a so-called visualization page for each parking area. This is a publicly accessible address where the current status of the parking area is clearly displayed on a custom map. Additionally, users can configure external systems to receive real-time parking status updates via specified API interfaces.

API Integration

Communication with the Parkinto service is conducted via the HTTP/HTTPS protocol (REST API), where data messages are exchanged in the JSON format.

We offer two methods of communication with the Parkinto service. Customers may use either one or both simultaneously. In the first method (Request/Response), the customer can request the occupancy status of their site, with the response sent immediately. In the second method (Notification), the customer is notified by the Parkinto service. Notifications can be periodic (e.g., every 30 seconds) or triggered by changes in the occupancy status of the site.

Schema of API Integration


import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

# Define the API endpoint and parameters
customer_name = "your_customer_name"
site_name = "your_site_name"
url = f"{customer_name}/{site_name}"

# Define your login credentials
username = "your_username"
password = "your_password"

# Make the GET request with basic authentication
response = requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password))

# Check the response status
if response.status_code == 200:
    status_data = response.json().get('status_reply', {})
    lots = status_data.get('lots', [])
    # Iterate over each lot and print its status
    for lot in lots:
        lot_name = lot.get('name')
        lot_state = lot.get('state')
        print(f"Lot Name: {lot_name}, State: {lot_state}")
    print("Failed to fetch status:", response.status_code)


const axios = require('axios');

// Define the API endpoint and parameters
const customer_name = "your_customer_name";
const site_name = "your_site_name";
const url = `${customer_name}/${site_name}`;

// Define your login credentials
const username = "your_username";
const password = "your_password";

// Make the GET request with basic authentication
axios.get(url, {
    auth: {
        username: username,
        password: password
.then(response => {
    const status_data =;
    const lots = status_data.lots;

    // Iterate over each lot and print its status
    lots.forEach(lot => {
        console.log(`Lot Name: ${}, State: ${lot.state}`);
.catch(error => {
    console.error('Error fetching status:', error);


$customer_name = "your_customer_name";
$site_name = "your_site_name";
$url = "$customer_name/$site_name";

// Define your login credentials
$username = "your_username";
$password = "your_password";

// Create a stream context for basic authentication
$context = stream_context_create([
    "http" => [
        "header" => "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode("$username:$password")

$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
if ($response !== FALSE) {
    $status_data = json_decode($response, true);
    $lots = $status_data['status_reply']['lots'];
    // Iterate over each lot and print its status
    foreach ($lots as $lot) {
        echo "Lot Name: " . $lot['name'] . ", State: " . $lot['state'] . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to fetch status\n";




# Define your login credentials

# Make the GET request with basic authentication
response=$(curl -s -u $username:$password $url)

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    lots=$(echo $response | jq -c '.status_reply.lots[]')
    echo "$lots" | while IFS= read -r lot; do
        lot_name=$(echo $lot | jq -r '.name')
        lot_state=$(echo $lot | jq -r '.state')
        echo "Lot Name: $lot_name, State: $lot_state"
    echo "Failed to fetch status"

Fetch Parking Occupancy Status

Learn how to use our API to get the current occupancy status of parking lots. Here are examples in Python, JavaScript, PHP, and Bash. Each example shows how to make a request and process the response. For detailed API documentation, visit our Swagger Documentation.


from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def webhook():
    data = request.json
    print('Received notification:')
    for lot in data['status_event']['lots']:
        print(f"Lot Name: {lot['name']}, State: {lot['state']}")
    return jsonify({'status': 'success'})

if __name__ == '__main__':


const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.use(express.json());'/webhook', (req, res) => {
    const data = req.body;
    console.log('Received notification:');
    data.status_event.lots.forEach(lot => {
        console.log(`Lot Name: ${}, State: ${lot.state}`);
    res.status(200).send({ status: 'success' });

app.listen(5000, () => {
    console.log('Server is listening on port 5000');


// Webhook endpoint
    $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
    error_log('Received notification:');
    foreach ($data['status_event']['lots'] as $lot) {
        error_log('Lot Name: ' . $lot['name'] . ', State: ' . $lot['state']);
    echo json_encode(['status' => 'success']);
} else {
    echo 'Method Not Allowed';



# Start a simple HTTP server to handle POST requests
while true; do
    # Listen on port 5000 and respond to incoming POST requests
    response=$(nc -l -p 5000)
    lots=$(echo "$response" | jq -c '.status_event.lots[]')
    echo "Received notification:"
    echo "$lots" | while IFS= read -r lot; do
        lot_name=$(echo $lot | jq -r '.name')
        lot_state=$(echo $lot | jq -r '.state')
        echo "Lot Name: $lot_name, State: $lot_state"
    echo "{\"status\":\"success\"}"

Receive Parking Occupancy Notifications

Discover how our API can notify you of changes in parking occupancy. Here are examples in Python, JavaScript, PHP, and Bash for setting up notifications. For detailed API documentation, visit our Swagger Documentation.


Unlock valuable insights with Parkinto's comprehensive parking data analysis. Easily access detailed reports and real-time data to optimize your parking management strategy.
Benefits for You:
  • Smart Decisions: Use real data for better parking management.
  • Identify Trends: See peak usage times.
  • Efficient Resource Use: Allocate resources based on need.
  • Improve Customer Experience: Enhance parking for your customers.
We offer two ways to get your statistics:
  1. View in Customer Portal: See your admin dashboard’s real-time data and detailed statistics. Easily monitor how each parking space is used. Examples of statistics you can see include:
    • Average occupancy for the entire period
    • Average parking occupancy for each day
    • Average parking occupancy for each day of the week
    • Histogram of parking usage by hour for each day of the week
    • Maximum and minimum occupancy for the last week
  2. Receive CSV Reports via Email: Get detailed reports sent to your email in CSV format every month. Analyze parking usage with ease.
Statistics - illustration image

License Plate Detection

Get better parking control with our license plate recognition. Our system identifies cars accurately, works with your existing cameras, and includes access control without extra costs.
Accurate Detection

Parkinto systems can detect the license plate of cars parking in designated spots, ensuring accurate identification. You can even use your existing cameras.

Included in License

LP Detection is included in the ``Occupancy Detection`` license, so there's no need for additional fees.

License Plate Detection
Camera Positioning

Effective license plate detection requires proper camera installation for optimal performance. If you can see the license plate with your eyes, our system can too.

Use Cases

Ideal for hotels and logistics centers to differentiate between authorized and unauthorized vehicles, ensuring that trucks or guests park in the correct reserved spots.


Get instant access to parking occupancy and basic stats with our interactive map. Navigate easily to specific parking spots and visualize various types of parking spaces without logging in.
Visualization occupancy on user map
  • Easy Access to Parking Occupancy and Stats:
    Get a clear overview of parking occupancy on a map along with basic statistical data.
  • No Login Required:
    Access this feature directly via a specific URL.
  • Responsive Design:
    Optimized for mobile devices, allowing easy navigation to specific parking spots.
  • Visualize Different Parking Types:
    Supports various parking spots: Standard, Unofficial, Reserved for Disabled, Recharger, and Private.
  • Multi-language Support:
    Available in English, German, Spanish, Danish, Norwegian, and Czech.

Mobile App

Our Parkinto mobile app provides users with an easy way to find and navigate to available parking spaces in the city. It integrates real-time data and navigation features to ensure a stress-free parking experience.
City Navigation to Available Parking

Users can utilize the mobile app to navigate through the city, directing them to parking lots with available spaces. This helps in saving time and reducing the stress of finding parking.

Navigation to Specific Vacant Spaces

The app can guide users to a specific vacant parking space within a large car park, avoiding the need for lengthy searches. This functionality is particularly useful in extensive parking areas, ensuring efficient and quick parking.

Mobile application
Real-Time Parking Space Information

For each parking lot, the app displays the distribution of parking spaces, clearly indicating which ones are free or occupied. This allows users to quickly identify available spots before arriving at the location.

Integration with Favorite Navigation Apps

Users can choose to use their preferred navigation apps, such as Waze and Google Navigation, for directions. This feature seamlessly integrates Parkinto’s parking space data with popular navigation tools, providing a familiar and convenient experience.

Need Help?

Didn't find what you were looking for? Need more detailed information? Contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you.